Split Pea Soup


2 hours


1 lb split peas
1 large onion, chopped fairly fine
3 or more regular carrots, sliced
a few stalks of celery, sliced
Salt and Pepper
Bay leaf
Ham bone or ham hock (otherwise you can use some chicken or vegetable broth and some deli ham)


  1. If you have time soak the peas either over night or in the morning. If you don’t, simmer them for 45-60 min. Make sure they are covered with water at all times. Add more water if necessary.
  2. Saute the onions, carrots, and celery together
  3. Once the peas are soft, add the ham hock or chicken broth. Let simmer on low for another hour or so. Add the package of ham or the ham cut off from hock in the last half hour.
  4. Serve with ditalini pasta.